A Very Special Streaming Event:
Live at Soundfarm Studio

Here’s how it works: you are welcome to watch for free or to pay any amount you deem fair* (simply press the button above). Anyone contributing €15 or more will receive a free autograph card (sent by regular letter mail).
We look forward to playing for you, and we thank you for your support. Without it, we quite literally could not do what we do.
*All revenues go towards covering financial losses we have incurred from cancellations as well as our ongoing costs while we can’t play live, hopefully allowing us to keep working until the situation has improved and we can get back on tour.
Watch the live stream:
Sunday, 3 May, 20:00 CEST | 19:00 BST | 14:00 EDT | 11:00 PDT | 15:00 BRT | 21:00 MSK | 03:00 JST | 02:00 SGT
Got your ticket? Come join us for the show:
…or watch below:

This is an un-cancellation announcement.
Let’s make the best of a bad situation by doing something positive together: rocking out, while staying the f*** home.
What’s going on?
On 3 May 2020 (updated!) we are putting on an exclusive, live-streamed performance to bring our show into your living room.
Because due to the current crisis, all our shows have been cancelled, which is not only disappointing but has devastating financial impacts on Cellar Darling.
How can I watch?
Tickets are pay-what-you-want, and if you can't afford to contribute, you're welcome to watch for free.
The music industry is being hit hard by the COVID-19 (‘coronavirus’) pandemic. Along with others, artists and freelancers such as touring crew are facing financial ruin, without paid sick leave, and often without help from governments.
We too have suffered several cancellations and massive costs, as well as the complete loss of almost our entire income over the course of at least three months. Just as heavy as the financial toll weighs our disappointment at the fact that after months off the road, we don’t get to come and rock out with you all.
Let’s also not forget that cancellations don’t suck only for bands — many of you (and us) have been looking forward to these concerts for months, have spent hard-earned money on tickets, and are now stuck at home.
So, instead of sulking in self-isolation, we invite you to join us for an intimate and completely safe virtual living room concert.
On 3 May, 2020, at 20:00 CEST (that’s 20:00 in Zurich, 19:00 in London, 14:00 in NYC, 11:00 in LA, 15:00 in Sao Paulo, 13:00 in Mexico City, 21:00 in Moscow) we will broadcast our set live from Anna’s studio here in Switzerland. You are all invited and tickets cost however much you’re willing or able to spend. All necessary safety precautions will be taken in the organisation of this stay-at-home-event*. Let’s come together to find some positiveness in a dreary situation!
*Only people close to each other and who interact regardless while observing current best practices (because of personal circumstances, such as living together, or because of pressing work relationships) will be in close physical proximity.